While most works on Nicholas of Cusa concentrate either on his early career as author of the monumental 'Catholic Concordance' or on his later career as writer of remarkable philosophical/theological
The Council of Basel (1431-1449) tried defending the faith and reforming the Church. In conflict with Pope Eugenius IV over supreme ecclesiastical power, it attempted his deposition. The ensuing strug
This volume contains studies on Nicholas of Cusa and his times. The first section is concerned with Cusanus' context, beginning with a historiographic essay by Francis Oakley on the impact of Brian Ti
A collection of 12 essays by the late Cranz (formerly history, Connecticut College) exploring the thought of Christian philosopher Nicholas of Cusa (1401-1464). The relationship of Nicolas' thought wi
This Translation of Erich Meuthen's well-Known Biography of Nicholas of Cusa presents the foremost summary of Cusanus's life and thought. From its original edition in 1964 through its seventh edition
This reader provides useful contextual and biographical information on the life and writing of Nicholas Causanus, the important fifteenth century Catholic Cardinal, philosopher and scientist. The volu
Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini (1405-1464, elected Pope Pius II in 1458) was an important and enigmatic figure of the Renaissance as well as one of the most prolific writers and gifted stylists ever to oc
The Church, the Councils, and Reform brings together leading authorities in the field of church history to reflect on the importance of the late medieval councils. This is the first book in English to