Modern Armenia reviews Armenian politics and political thinking from the mid-nineteenth century to the present, and the evolution of Armenians from peoplehood to statehood. Written by a key government
Sacred Justice is a cross-genre book that uses narrative, memoir, unpublished letters, and other primary and secondary sources to tell the story of a group of Armenian men who organized Operation Neme
This is the biography of Hrant Dink, a Turkish-Armenian journalist and political activist. He worked for the democratic rights of all Turkish citizens, including the right to speak freely about the ge
Candar presents the first biography of her friend Dink, an Armenian intellectual of Turkey, a journalist and political activist who was targeted for his views and assassinated in front of his newspape
The Grandchildren is a collection of intimate, harrowing testimonies by grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Turkey's "forgotten Armenians"—the orphans adopted and Islamized by Muslims after the A