This book covers the history of geothermal science, with a special focus on electricity production. The Larderello area, the craddle of the modern geothermal industry, is particularly highlighted. A m
Surfactants play a critical role in Tribology controlling friction, wear, and lubricant properties such as emulsification, demulsification, bioresistance, oxidation resistance, rust prevention and cor
The premier symposium on Surfactants in Tribology, held in Seoul in 2006, was an enormously successful event that generated a high level of interest in the topic, leading to the publication of the fir
The manufacture and use of almost every consumer and industrial product rely on application of advanced knowledge in surface science and tribology. These two disciplines are of critical importance in
Surfactants play a critical role in tribology as they control friction, wear, and lubricant properties such as emulsification, demulsification, bioresistance, oxidation resistance, rust prevention, an
This third volume in a new series offers information on advances in the tribological aspects of cutting edge areas in micro and nanodevices including MEMS, NEMS, biosurfactants, biolubricants, and bio
Surfactants play a critical role in Tribology controlling friction, wear, and lubricant properties such as emulsification, demulsification, bioresistance, oxidation resistance, rust prevention and cor