The Fourth Edition of Dr. Gopal B. Saha’s Physics and Radiobiology of Nuclear Medicine was prompted by the need to provide up-to-date information to keep pace with the perpetual growth and improvement
The Third Edition of this classic text presents the basic concepts of PET imaging technology. Topics include basic physics of PET imaging; detectors, scanners and data collection; storage, display, an
The Fourth Edition of Dr. Gopal B. Saha’s Physics and Radiobiology of Nuclear Medicine was prompted by the need to provide up-to-date information to keep pace with the perpetual growth and improvement
The Third Edition of this classic text presents the basic concepts of PET imaging technology. Topics include basic physics of PET imaging; detectors, scanners and data collection; storage, display, an
Established as a classic text on nuclear chemistry and pharmacy, Fundamentals of Nuclear Pharmacy has been thoroughly revised with new information added covering innovations in imaging technology and
自本書第一版出版以來,這本放射藥品學已成為核子醫學領域的標準教科書和參考書。本書從基礎的原子結構至臨床使用的放射藥品以圖、表和超過 100 張以上之圖解來說明,修正的第五版是以合乎時代新的題材取代老舊章節內容和明智的方式來擴充成為一流的教科書。自 Dr. Saha 確立了新的規範將複雜的理論概念以容易使學生和開業醫師瞭解放射藥品學和核子醫學,使得第四版已經被公認和讚賞為思維清晰和精緻的書籍。 第
Currently an estimated 17 million nuclear medicine procedures are performed each year in the US and constantly evolving, as new radiopharmaceuticals and imaging techniques are introduced for better d