Mohamedou, Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva)
Amalia (Associate Professor in International History and Politics Ribi Forclaz Associate Professor in International History and Politics Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies Gen
Andrea (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies Bianchi Geneva),Fuad (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies Zarbiyev Geneva)
Annabelle (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies Littoz-Monnet Geneva)
Annyssa (Senior Researcher Bellal Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies Switzerland),Stuart (Honorary Professor Casey-Maslen Centre for Human Rights University of Pretoria)
Antoniades, Andreas (University of Sussex, UK),Panizza, Ugo (The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Switzerland)
Bianchi, Andrea (Professor of International Law, Professor of International Law, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva),Hirsch, Moshe (Maria Von Hofmannsthal Chair in In
Blumenau, Bernhard (University of St Andrews, UK),Hanhimaki, Jussi M. (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland),Zanchetta, Barbara (King's College London, UK)
Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (COR)/ Gilles Carbonnier (EDT)/ Jean-louis Arcand (EDT)
Zalewski, Marysia (University of Aberdeen UK),Drumond, Paula (Pontifical Catholic University Rio de Janeiro Brazil),Prugl, Elisabeth (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies Switz
;Dalle Mulle, Dr Emmanuel (Universidad Complutense of Madrid, Spain),Rodogno, Professor Davide (The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID), Switzerland),Bieling, Mona (The
;Tartir, Alaa (The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID), Switzerland),Seidel, Timothy (Eastern Mennonite University, USA),Dana, Tariq