In this heartwarming novel, author Greg Kincaid tells the tender story of how one very special dog changed the lives of his adoptive family—and an entire town—forever.“Todd, they always want you to ad
The touching prequel to the bestselling novel A Dog Named Christmas The sleeper hit of 2008, A Dog Named Christmas became a Hallmark Hall of Fame movie a year later, seen by more than twelve million p
From the New York Times bestselling author of A Dog Named Christmas comes this heartwarming Christmas story about the power of family and the strength and love that comes from our pets.In this fourth
Equal parts Marley and Me and The Christmas Box, a special 2-in-1 collection of inspiring and heartwarming Christmas stories about the McCray family and their trusty and loveable dogs.A Dog Named Chri
The best-selling author of A Dog Named Christmas presents a quirky spiritual journey across the wild roads of America that finds a woman and her dog taking over her family's bookmobile only to collide
Discovering that a local shelter is looking for temporary homes for their dogs over the Christmas holidays, Todd, a developmentally challenged young man, persuades his reluctant family to take in a sp
Discovering that a local shelter is looking for temporary homes for their dogs over the Christmas holidays, Todd, a developmentally challenged young man, persuades his reluctant family to take in a sp
A prequel set 35 years before the events of A Dog Named Christmas shares the story of young George, who struggles with the loss of his father before finding hope and courage through a relationship wit
A prequel set 35 years before the events of A Dog Named Christmas shares the story of young George, who struggles with the loss of his father before finding hope and courage through a relationship wit
A prequel set 35 years before the events of A Dog Named Christmas shares the story of young George, who struggles with the loss of his father before finding hope and courage through a relationship wit
A latest entry in the series that includes A Dog Named Christmas and Christmas With Tucker continues the story of the McCray family, who struggle with mixed feelings while supporting disabled Todd's e