Between 1609 and 1879, the geographical, political, and ideological status of the Kingdom of Ryukyu (modern Okinawa) was characterized by its ambiguity. It was subordinate to its larger neighbors, Ch
Japan, which is among the most earthquake-prone regions in the world, has a long history of responding to seismic disasters. However, despite advances in earthquake-related safety technologies, the de
Why do Ryukyu’s official histories locate the origins of its early dynastic founders in Iheya and Izena, small islands located northwest of Okinawa? Why did the Ming court extend favorable trade terms
Between 1609 and 1879, the geographical, political, and ideological status of the Kingdom of Ryukyu (modern Okinawa) was characterized by its ambiguity. It was subordinate to its larger neighbors, Chi
Asian history scholar Smits (Pennsylvania State U.) covers the history of understanding of earthquakes in Japan by tracing the prologue and response to the Ansei Edo earthquake of 1855. In the first h
"Among the most earthquake-prone regions in the world, Japan has a long history of responding to seismic disasters. However, despite advances in earthquake-related safety technologies and the deep imp
This volume explores early modern formations of economic thought and policy in a country widely regarded as having followed a unique, non-Western path to capitalism. In discussing such topics as money