Spanning the 1960s–1980s, this science-fiction-themed second volume of our complete Guido Crepax library features, in addition to adventuress Valentina, two more of the famed Italian erotic artist’s h
The third volume of Fantagraphics’ monumental collection of Guido Crepax’s comics collects the “Baba Yaga” storyline, which recasts the witch of folklore (it was adapted for the screen in 1973 starrin
Most of the comics in this volume, spanning 1965 to 1985, have never before been published in English. Crepax’s first foray into comics magazines— “The Curve of Lesmo”—introduces our proto-feminist he
Italy’s Guido Crepax is one of the most acclaimed cartoonists in the world. In the 1960s and '70s, he created and chronicled the adventures of Valentina, arguably the strongest and most independent fe