Imagine if we treated broken hearts with the same respect and concern we have for broken arms? Psychologist Guy Winch urges us to rethink the way we deal with emotional pain, offering warm, wise, and
The New York clinical psychologist and author of The Squeaky Wheel outlines practical steps for addressing daily emotional injuries that can adversely affect life, sharing illustrative anecdotes while
Heal small emotional injuries before they become big ones. We all sustain emotional wounds. Failure, guilt, rejection, and loss are as much a part of life as the occasional scraped elbow. But while
In the days of the horse and carriage, we complained much less, and when we did, our complaints were more likely to get results. Today we complain about everything—yet most of us grumble, vent, and k
We complain about everything, often neither expecting nor getting meaningful resolutions. Wasting time and energy on unproductive complaints can take an emotional toll on our moods and well-being. Psy
Although life was physically more difficult in the days of the horse and carriage, we complained much less back then, and when we did, our complaints were more likely to get results. Today we complai