The fourth century of our common era began and ended with a miracle. Traditionally, in the year 312, the Roman emperor Constantine I experienced a Vision of the Cross that led him to convert to Christ
Historians who viewed imperial Rome in terms of a conflict between pagans and Christians have often regarded the emperor Constantine's conversion as the triumph of Christianity over paganism. But in
Scholars of history and literature in the US and Europe present 27 papers from the March 2003 Shifting Frontiers Conference, held in Santa Barbara, California. Violence is so heavily associated in lat
In the first century of the Common Era, two new belief systems entered long-established cultures with radically different outlooks and values: missionaries started to spread the teachings of Jesus of
Examines the challenges to child health and nutrition, the impact of these on education and the costs, benefits and policy options involved in the implementation of health and nutrition programmes in
This book engages with politics and political discourse that relate to and qualify immigration in Europe. It brings together empirical analysis of immigration both topically and contextually, and inte