The inspiring stories of 5 people who changed history. Contents:Joseph-Michel Montgolfier, who helped humans to flyLouis Bleriot, the first person to cross the sea in an aeroplaneCharles Lindbergh, fi
解剖學是生命科學的基礎,更是瞭解人體組成與結構的重要學科。本書編譯自 Martini 博士等人編著的 Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology 一書。 全書架構完整、簡明易懂,各章節均搭配精美、詳細的彩繪圖片,並輔以珍貴、清晰的實體照片,來展示人體的各個重要部位。再輔以簡單明瞭之方式,搭配人體生理功能之闡述,且依課程順序穿插許多與內容相關的「臨床應用」。讓
Since it was first published in 1994, Neurology in Practice has been widely used as a textbook by students, trainees, physicians, and allied health professionals. While there have been transformative
"Inclusion," says the author, "is a discipline of consciously extending the boundaries of our communities to embrace and affirm people of diverse backgrounds and experiences." In this resource for mi