A Modern Framework Based on Time-Tested MaterialA Functional Analysis Framework for Modeling, Estimation and Control in Science and Engineering presents functional analysis as a tool for understanding
Banks and Tran (both mathematics, North Carolina State U.) present material they developed for a two-semester experiment-oriented modeling course sequence based on the fundamental physical and biologi
The research detailed in this monograph was originally motivated by our interest in control problems involving partial and delay differential equations. Our attempts to apply control theory techniques
This text on control and estimation in distributed parameter systems relates frequency domain techniques to state-space or time domain approaches for infinite-dimensional systems, including design of
This book on parameter estimation addresses problems arising for comprehensive models of complex systems in various areas of application under data constraints. Paramater estimation is a branch of sta
The authors begin with basic electromagnetics, such as Maxwell's equations, and present modeling, theory, and computational results. The book systematically exploits interface phenomena, the electrody
Modeling and Inverse Problems in the Presence of Uncertainty collects recent research—including the authors’ own substantial projects—on uncertainty propagation and quantification. It covers two sourc