This seminal autobiographical tale, believed to have been the first published by an African-American woman, describes the life and struggles of an orphaned mulatto. Part slave narrative and part senti
With a New Introduction and Notes by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Richard J. EllisA fascinating fusion of two literary models of the nineteenth century, the sentimental novel and the slave narrative, Ou
A fusion of two literary modes of the nineteenth century, the sentimental novel and the slave narrative, Our Nig, apart from its historical significance, is a deeply ironic and highly readable work,
Three African-American classics: The Heroic Slave, Frederick Douglass's piercing tale of a slave ship rebellion; Clotel, William Wells Brown's prophetic story about a child conceived by Thomas Jeffers
For the 150th anniversary of its first publication, a new edition of the pioneering African-American classic, reflecting groundbreaking discoveries about its author's life First published in 1859, Our