Alf (Professor of Paediatrics and Head of the School of Medicine Nicholson RCSI Bahrain),John Murphy,Sarah (Paediatric Lead in GP Training Taaffe Irish College of General Practitioners),Kevin (Profess
Alfred John Nicholson FRCPI FRCPCH (Professor of Paediatrics and Head of the School of Medicine RCSI Bahrain),Kevin (Professor of Paediatrics Dunne RCSI Bahrain)
Burt, Alastair D. (Dean of Medicine, Head of the School of Medicine, The University of Adelaide, Faculty of Health Sciences, Adelaide, Australia),Linda D. (Professor of Anatomic Pathology UCSF Ferrell
Corne, Jonathan, MA, PhD, MB BS, FRCP (Consultant Respiratory Physician, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, Nottingham; Head of the East Midlands Postgraduate Specialty School of Medicine, Hea