Booth, a public school librarian, knows that teens who read not only benefit by the content but also hone skills in critical thinking and communicating. She provides a range of activities and ideas de
Alessio and Booth describe 13 clubs that libraries can establish for teenagers and 100 activities that club members can participate in. They begin with "read-a-latte books and media club&
This guide for librarians outlines crafting projects that can be done with teenagers. It focuses on using repurposed or recycled, low or no-cost materials and presents 12 projects like jewelry, melted
Teen services librarians Booth and Jensen collect articles by librarians and others from the US, to help librarians who serve young adults understand who teens are, the role of librarians, services an
Intended for librarians, library staff doing readers' advisory, and LIS students, this book explores research on readers' advisory services both from the perspective of a review of new research and th