After International Relations articulates a systematic critical realist response to a quest for more emancipatory methodologies in International Relations. Heikki Patomaki here establishes a way out
The last couple of years have seen the eurozone lurch from crisis to calamity. With Greece, Portugal and Ireland already driven to the brink of economic catastrophe, and the threat that a number of ot
Whether we talk about human learning and unlearning, securitization, or political economy, the forces and mechanisms generating both globalization and disintegration are causally efficacious across th
In the 1970s Professor James Tobin proposed a very modest tax on currency transactions. This would make much speculative movement of funds unprofitable and the world financial system less volatile. Th
In the 1970s Professor James Tobin proposed a very modest tax on currency transactions. This would make much speculative movement of funds unprofitable and the world financial system less volatile. Th
The last couple of years have seen the eurozone lurch from crisis to calamity. With Greece, Portugal and Ireland already driven to the brink of economic catastrophe, and the threat that a number of ot
What are the possibilities for and conditions of global security in the 21st century?This book provides an innovative study of future wars, crises and transformations of the global political economy.
As globalization proceeds apace international law, and the scope and powers of international institutions - the United Nations, the Bretton Woods institutions, the World Trade Organization - continue
As globalization proceeds apace international law, and the scope and powers of international institutions - the United Nations, the Bretton Woods institutions, the World Trade Organization - continue
Brexit means Brexit and other meaningless mantras have simply confirmed that confusion and uncertainty have dominated the early stages of this era defining event. Though there has been a lack of coher
This edited set of essays brings together insight and analysis on Brexit from some of the best known names in political economy and international political economy. It is set to become a standard poin