Heinz Guderian - master of the Blitzkrieg and father of modern tank warfare - commanded the German XIX Army Corps as it rampaged across Poland in 1939. Personally leading the devastating attack which
Panzer Leader is an account of the development and campaigns of the panzer forces that, along with the Luftwaffe, stood at the heart of Blitzkreig. It is also a group portrait of the Third Reich's lea
A rare, enlightening account by an outstanding soldier reveals his thoughts and theories on armored warfare and motorized land battle--which he then put in action to devastating effect during World W
獨家獲得英國獵戶座(Orion)出版社授權出版中文版 First published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson Ltd,London 如果各軍種基本的作戰原則都雷同的話,那運用的方式勢必會受到戰具所影響。眾所皆知,儘管現今世人對於戰車的運用與作戰方面的觀點相當分歧,這樣的結果一點都不令人感到意外,因為全世界各國的軍隊在這方面都受其演進所制約,無法在短時間內就全面發展裝甲兵這種新興的武力。第一次世界大戰的經驗教訓中強調集中運用戰車於決勝點上,這也符合戰術形成重點(主攻)的原則。然而對許多軍事觀察家來說,第一次世界大戰的經驗尚無法提供可服膺的準則,也因為這幾年可用於防禦的手段,不論是在質與量各個方面都已經大幅有所提升,因此讓這些變得不再那麼重要了。即便如此,有一點仍然是相當肯定的,就是——作戰的各種科技性戰具(包含戰車)必須發揮出本身最大的作戰潛力。我們不應侷限於傳統思維的束縛,而對其爾後的發展故步自封;相反的,我們對於新式武器應該好學不倦,就我們在過程中所累積的經驗基礎上持續發揚光大,並運用現有的機會做必要的調整。將這些理念牢記在心,我希望這一本書可以讓我們的思路能更加清晰、明確。 德國裝甲兵司令(Kommandierender General der Panzertruppe) 上將(General) 歐斯華魯茲(Oswald Lutz)
Germany's opening run of victory in World War II was only made possible by the panzer forces that Heinz Guderian (1888-1954), the father of modern tank warfare, had created and trained, and by his aud