In Helen Callaghan’s chilling, tightly-spun debut novel of psychological suspense, a teenage girl’s abduction stirs dark memories of a twenty-year-old cold case...Margot Lewis is a teacher at an exclu
Margot Lewis is the agony aunt for The Cambridge Enquirer. Her advice column, Dear Amy, gets all kinds of letters - but none like the one she's just received: Dear Amy, I don't know where I am. I've b
Sophia's parents have lead quiet, unremarkable lives. At least that is what she's always believed. Until the day she arrives at her childhood home to find her mother hanging from a tree in the garden.
THE STUNNING NEW PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLER FROM THE AUTHOR OF DEAR AMY AND EVERYTHING IS LIES'I read it almost in one sitting. It's totally compulsive' Sabine DurrantOn a cold, windswept night, Fiona arr
Since the early 1980s, governments worldwide have taken a wide range of policy measures to strengthen and expand market-based competition. So far, the financial crisis that erupted in 2008 has not led
**PRE-ORDER NOW: THE STUNNING NEW PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLER FROM THE AUTHOR OF DEAR AMY AND EVERYTHING IS LIES**On a cold, windswept night, Fiona arrives on a tiny, isolated island in Orkney. She accepte