SPANISH EDITION. More than 400,000 concise, fact-filled entries provide fascinating and thought-provoking insights, whether you're conducting a Bible study group, speaking in public, or simply deepen
These studies on the character of the Apostles form a complete series on the lives, times, and ministries of those men chosen by God to declare his message to the world.
His systemized study and analysis of the major Bible doctrines provides, for readers, Dr. Lockyer's approach to understanding doctrines in logical sequence. This method of biblical presentation can a
This is the greatest story of all times that will affect all those that have lived or will live through the Great Tribulation! This study of the chapter of Revelation is an anticipatory vision of wh
Simple but Powerful Devotions for Busy PeopleIn Give Us This Day, Herbert Lockyer created the perfect daily devotional for busy people. Each day includes a Bible verse and a simple paragraph that is p
One of Jesus' main purposes during his time on earth was to teach. In this useful, heart touching book, Herbert Lockyer examines the nature and authority of the Great Teacher himself. He points reade
Making Sense of Pain and Suffering “When the loom is silent and the shuttles cease to fly, then the Weaver will explain why the dark threads were as needful as the threads of gold and silver. As the s
Without a doubt, prayer is the greatest art in the world, a holy art that needs only to be learned and practiced. The greatest difference between effective and anemic Christianity is prayer. The most
The heritage of the saints is the presence of the Holy Spirit. The Heritage of Saints delves into Jesus Christ's mighty gift to mankind: the Holy Spirit. As Lockyer eloquently explains, every believer
"With an approach that is both pastoral and practical, Herbert Lockyer uses Scripture, as well as the writings of scholars, poets, and hymnists, to encourage those who need comforting and to provide g
Promises You Can Stand On Through Thick and ThinThe Bible is filled with hundreds of what the apostle Peter called 'exceeding great and precious promises': definite, explicit declarations God has mad
Unlocking the Truths of ScriptureBest-selling author and legendary Bible teacher Dr. Herbert Lockyer identifies and explains nineteen major themes found in the New Testament. He explores and examines
Our Power and Wisdom The book of Proverbs says, “Wisdom has built her house, she has set up her seven pillars” (Proverbs 9:1). And the apostle Paul referred to Jesus Christ as “the power of God and th
"Bible teacher Herbert Lockyer presents short biographical sketches of eight great men of God in church history: Martin Luther, George Wishart, John Knox, Robert Murray McCheyne, David Livingston, Joh
From renowned Bible scholar F. B. Meyer comes this fascinating, all-encompassing profile of one the most important figures in Scripture. Meyer digs deeply into both Scripture and the historical record