The siege of Paris by Prussians in the fall and winter of 1870 and 1871 turned the city upside down, radically altering its appearance, social structure, and mood. As Hollis Clayson demonstrates in Pa
The siege of Paris by Prussians in the fall and winter of 1870 and 1871 turned the city upside down, radically altering its appearance, social structure, and mood. As Hollis Clayson demonstrates in Pa
The City of Light. For many, these four words instantly conjure late nineteenth-century Paris and the garish colors of Toulouse-Lautrec’s iconic posters. More recently, the Eiffel Tower’s
a€?Is Paris Still the Capital of the Nineteenth Century?a€? The question that guides this volume stems from Walter Benjamina€?s studies of nineteenth-century Parisian culture as the apex of capitalist
Much recent scholarship in American art history and cultural studies examines cross-cultural exchanges in the shaping of American art and culture. This lavishly illustrated volume contributes to this