Thomas, Sabu (Professor Sabu Thomas is Professor of Polymer Science & Technology and Honorary Director of the International and Inter University Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, at the Scho
Brian (Honorary Senior Lecturer McMaster Honorary Senior Lecturer Queen's University Belfast),Aisling (Professor in Mathematics McCluskey Professor in Mathematics National University of Ireland Galwa
John (Analysis International and Honorary Professor McKay School of Humanities and Social Science Deakin University)
John (Honorary Professor (Retired) MacKinnon Honorary Professor (Retired) Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology University of Kent in Canterbury UK)
Khan, Mansoor Ali (Consultant Oesophagogastric, General and Trauma Surgeon, Honorary Clinical Professor of Trauma Surgery, Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals)
Koenraad (University of Canterbury Kuiper New Zealand; Honorary Professor University of Sydney Australia),W. Scott Allan
Prof Richard (Honorary Professor of Law Gardiner Honorary Professor of Law University College London)
Stuart (Honorary Professor Casey-Maslen Honorary Professor Centre for Human Rights at the University of Pretoria)
;Kern-Stahler, Annette (Professor and Chair of Medieval English Studies, Professor and Chair of Medieval English Studies, University of Bern),Robertson, Elizabeth (Professor Emerita and Honorary Resea
;Loftus, Ian (Professor of Vascular Surgery, St George's Vascular Institute and Reader, St George's, University of London, UK),Hinchliffe, Robert (Professor of Vascular Surgery and Honorary Consultant
;Parks, Rowan W, MB BCh BAO MD FRCSI FRCS(Ed) FFST(Ed) (Professor of Surgical Sciences, Clinical Surgery, University of Edinburgh, Honorary Consultant Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgeon Royal Infirm
Annyssa (Senior Researcher Bellal Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies Switzerland),Stuart (Honorary Professor Casey-Maslen Centre for Human Rights University of Pretoria)
Ashley (Professor of Military and Imperial History Jackson Professor of Military and Imperial History King's College London),Andrew (Honorary Professor Stewart Honorary Professor Australian National
Bailey, Simon (Consultant Paediatric Oncologist, and Honorary Professor of Paediatric Neuro-Oncology, Consultant Paediatric Oncologist, and Honorary Professor of Paediatric Neuro-Oncology, Great Nort
Barrett, Justin L. (honorary Professor of Theology and the Sciences, honorary Professor of Theology and the Sciences, St Andrews University School of Divinity)
Bloch, Sidney (Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry, Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry, University of Melbourne, and Honorary Senior Psychiatrist at St. Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne),Green, Stephen A. (C
Boyles, Tom (Honorary Associate Professor, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom, Honorary Researcher, Perinatal HIV Research Units, University of the Witwatersrand, J
Breen (Honorary Professor Creighton Honorary Professor Graduate School of Business and Law RMIT University),Catrina (Senior Lecturer Denvir Senior Lecturer Department for Business Law & Taxation Monas
Brian (Honorary Senior Research Fellow Thompson Honorary Senior Research Fellow University of Liverpool),Michael (Professor of Law Gordon Professor of Law University of Liverpool),Adam (Senior Lecture
Caroline (UCL Institute of Archaeology Grigson Honorary Professor)