The collective product of anarchists around the world, this is the first volume of an "FAQ" ("frequently asked questions" with answers) that evolved from being almost solely an attack on "anarcho"-cap
Aimed at the curious and, as yet, unconverted, and covering topics from "Why do anarchists oppose State Socialism?" to "What would an anarchist society look like?" the two-volume An Anarchist FAQ stan
This was Peter Kropotkin's final book, in which he theorizes about the development of the modern state and how modern science and technology can assist in freeing working people from capitalism. First
This is the most extensive collection of Peter Kropotkin's writings available in English. Over half the selections have been translated for the first time or salvaged from long-out-of-print pamphlets
"An indispensable source book for anyone interested in Proudhon's ideas and the origins of the socialist and anarchist movements in nineteenth-century Europe."?Robert Graham, editor of Anarchism: A Do
This in-depth, eyewitness history written by Voline, an outspoken activist in the Russian Revolution, pays significant attention to what the author describes as “struggles for the real Social Re