I’m going to define the essence of this sprawling place as best I can. I’m going to start here, in this village, and radiate out like a ripple in a pond. I don’t want to go to the obvious places, eith
Lauded as a 'national treasure' and 'world class' by his contemporaries, 'Bard of Barnsley' Ian McMillan is one of Britain's well-loved poets, performers, broadcasters and entertainers. The host of Th
In Real Barnsley, Ian McMillan delves into the past of the Barnsley area in which he was born and still lives, exploring its history and recalling his various experiences of this particular patch of S
An anti-pastoral memory, the real life of English farm labourers in a time of great agricultural change. Unsentimental and honest, this is an unforgettable account of life during the first half of the