;Scott, Mark (University College Dublin, Ireland.),Sturzaker, John (University of Liverpool, UK),Gallent, Nick (University College London, United Kingdom),Parker, Gavin,Burnett, Amy,Mell, Ian
Ian Scott/ Deborah Mazhindu
Ian Scott/ Henry Thompson
Ian Sigvaldason/ Scott Steedman
Shawn Graham/ Ian Milligan/ Scott Weingart
Walter Scott Sir/ Ian Duncan (EDT)
A. Ian Scott (EDT)/ Pierre Potier (EDT)
Anthony B. L. Cheung (EDT)/ Ian Scott (EDT)
Ceridwen Boston/ Angela Boyle/ John Gill/ Annsofie Witkin/ Jennifer Kitch (CON)/ Louise Loe (CON)/ Jane Phimester (CON)/ Ian Scott (CON)/ Richard Wright (CON)
Chuck Dixon/ Scott M. Gimple/ Robert L. Graff/ Matt Groening/ Steve Luchsinger/ Tim Maile/ Jesse Leon McCann/ Bill Morrison/ Billy Rubenstein/ Doug Tuber/ Ian Boothby
Deirdre Forde,Julian Munby,Ian R. Scott
Gerry Duggan/ Ian Doescher/ Joshua Corin/ Chris Hastings/ Scott Hepburn (ILT)
Gong, Ting (City University of Hong Kong),Scott, Ian (City University of Hong Kong)
Ian Bache (EDT)/ Karen Scott (EDT)
Ian C. Scott/ James B. Galloway/ David L. Scott
Ian Christopher Lloyd (EDT)/ Scott R. Lambert (EDT)