Uncommon problems tend to be overlooked; they are usually difficult to diagnose and a challenge to manage. Acute Medicine: Uncommon Problems and Challenges gathers together all uncommon problems relevant to the treatment of seriously ill patients in a quick one-stop reference. Each topic contains both essential diagnostic and treatment information and discusses the implications for intensive care management, obviating the need to refer to specialized sources. The A-Z format with frequent cross-referencing aids rapid access to key information and cartoons throughout aid learning. Intensivists, anaesthetists, emergency specialists and a wide range of other healthcare professionals will find this an invaluable resource when faced with acute medical problems. From Abruptio placentae to Zollinger–Ellison syndrome, Acute Medicine: Uncommon Problems and Challenges will help you diagnose and manage the tricky acute problems you encounter in daily clinical practice.
Even the most experienced clinician cannot be expected to remember all the relevant details of so many and varied uncommon problems of the seriously ill. Some of these problems can be overlooked in even a major Intensive Care textbook, most can be found eventually in specialist textbooks but the impact on intensive care management might well still be disregarded. This book offers a unique approach. Uncommon problems relevant to intensive care have been gathered into a single volume, in which they have been described in sufficient detail to avert much of the need to refer to specialized texts. Moreover, their implications for intensive care management have been highlighted. The book is intended to provide an easy and practical reference, alphabetically arranged, for the clinician at any level faced with such problems at the patient's bedside.