When originally published in 1952, this book filled a gap in the history of philosophy and science and remains an important work today, because it puts the main mathematical and physical discoveries o
Acclaimed theorist and social scientist Donna Jeanne Haraway uses the work of pioneering developmental biologists Ross G. Harrison, Joseph Needham, and Paul Weiss as a springboard for a discussion about a shift in developmental biology from a vitalism-mechanism framework to organicism. The book deftly interweaves Thomas Kuhn's concept of paradigm change into this wide-ranging analysis, emphasizing the role of model, analogy, and metaphor in the paradigm and arguing that any truly useful theoretical system in biology must have a central metaphor.
Delays in construction projects are frequently expensive, since there is usually a construction loan involved which charges interest, management staff dedicated to the project whose costs are time dep
In this groundbreaking volume, leading Catholic theologians, scholar-practitioners, and ethicists take up the challenge of developing a conceptually coherent, theologically accurate, spiritually enli
The use of neuroimaging studies in psychiatry is exploding -- and offers tremendous potential for practicing clinicians. Yet if you're like many psychiatrists, you're sometimes uncertain about which s
Known for its natural beauty, Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area is the largest inland peninsula in the United States. Consisting of 170,000 acres offorested and protected public land be
Phage-display technology has begun to make critical contributions to the study of molecular recognition. DNA sequences are cloned into phage, which then present on their surface the proteins encoded b