本書的目的是對心血管系統提出一個簡明的描述,內容包括正常的結構和功能與病理生理學、藥理學和治療方法等等。因此,我們以一種易於入門的、全面的方式,涵蓋了臨床醫學生和生物醫學科系學生在學習心血管系統時可能會遇到的所有主題。然而,我們在寫作和修訂本書的目的時卻總是更有野心——試圖為讀者提供對於重要和引人入勝的主題的直接描述,而這些主題往往被其他教科書及多數大學和醫學課程忽略,或只有涉及表面的探討。我們希望這本書不僅能讓你了解心血管系統,也能激發你更深入地研究它許多的顯著面向,或至少是其中的某些。 除了實質性的修訂以更新主題,解決審稿人提出的一些批評和簡化某些圖表,我們增加了關於心律不整、先天性心臟病、心肌病變和離子通道病變等三個章節來擴大其涵蓋範圍,同時也包括一個新的章節來討論中風。 Philip I. Aaronson Jeremy P.T. Ward Michelle J. Connolly
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Inter-disciplinary studies are emerging rapidly to meet the insistent demands of the modern age. Biblical interpretation is itself inter-disciplinary, drawing together the biblical traditions and others to address the problem of interpreting texts. Christian ethics is also multi-disciplinary and thus no stranger to this new ethos. To bring these two areas together is a potentially creative undertaking. It comes at a time when much attention is being paid to reading texts and the interpretive tradition. The author's principal aim is to read the Bible in the context of moral concern. Attention is paid to the liberal quest and to eschatology and ethics (each marking a distinct epoch in the relationship of Bible and ethics), before the post-critical age is studied under the rubric 'participation in meaning'. The final section deals with ethics and historical reading, and with ethics and contemporary reading. The book concludes with a discussion of selected practical topics.