Facsimiles, photographic reproductions, collations, and studies of the textual character of many of the 5,000 or so manuscripts of the Greek New Testament have been published, but it is only with this book, first published in 2000, that a much-needed bibliography of them has been made available. This considerably expanded and revised edition of J. K. Elliott's 1989 A Bibliography of Greek New Testament Manuscripts marks a substantial increase in the number of titles and references. Some 5,000 new entries have been added, thereby doubling the size of the First Edition. The titles of books and articles are predominantly those published in the last 150 years. The titles are set out in the customary categories of papyri, majuscules, minuscules and lectionaries as classified in the conventional Gregory-Aland register.
Facsimiles, photographic reproductions, collations, and studies of the textual character of many of the 5,000 or so manuscripts of the Greek New Testament have been published, but it is only with this book, first published in 2000, that a much-needed bibliography of them has been made available. This considerably expanded and revised edition of J. K. Elliott's 1989 A Bibliography of Greek New Testament Manuscripts marks a substantial increase in the number of titles and references. Some 5,000 new entries have been added, thereby doubling the size of the First Edition. The titles of books and articles are predominantly those published in the last 150 years. The titles are set out in the customary categories of papyri, majuscules, minuscules and lectionaries as classified in the conventional Gregory-Aland register.
Skeat (1907-2003) spent his working life at the British Museum, his final decade before retiring in 1972 as Keeper, Department of Manuscripts and Egerton Librarian. The 23 essays here were originally
This collection of apocryphal texts supersedes the best-selling edition by M.R. James, which was originally published in 1924. Several new texts have come to light since 1924 and the textual base for
This volume contains a series of studies on aspects of Mark's distinctive Greek. C.H. Turner's pioneering articles on Mark's usage form the basis of the book. Other comparable articles by those influe
This accessible selection of the most important and significant of the remarkable and often bizarre apocryphal stories surrounding the life of Jesus and the Early Church has established a reputation
The canonical stories are juxtaposed with a selection of later narratives surrounding the birth and childhood of Jesus that Elliott (New Testament textual criticism, U. of Leeds) deems representative
From London to Cornwall, then to Italy and France, a short, shabby priest takes on bandits, traitors, and killers. Why is he so successful? The reason is that after years spent in the priesthood, Fath
From London to Cornwall, then to Italy and France, a short, shabby priest takes on bandits, traitors and killers. Why is he so successful? The reason is that after years spent in the priesthood, Fathe
Community Music Today highlights community music workers who constantly improvise and reinvent to lead through music and other expressive media. It answers the perennial question “What is community mu
Community Music Today highlights community music workers who constantly improvise and reinvent to lead through music and other expressive media. It answers the perennial question “What is community mu