J. Scott. Long/ Panel to Study Gender Differences in Career Outcomes/ Linda C. Skidmore (EDT)/ Catherine D. Gaddy (EDT)/ National Research Council (U. S.)/ J. Scott. Long (EDT)/ National Research
以社會科學統計聞名的J. Scott Long教授在本書中,將近年來關於受限及類別依變項最有用的幾個統計方法,用迴歸統計的架構整理出來。本書中所介紹的所有統計方法,都可以用基礎的線性迴歸觀念為基本向外延伸。此外,對每一個統計方法,Long教授都清楚地依照「理論推演」、「統計結果的解釋」、「檢定與檢驗」、以及「實際研究的應用」這幾個步驟來依次說明。
While many readers may be unfamiliar with the full complexity of the covariance structure model, many may have mastered at least one of its two components - each of which is a powerful and well-known
THE APPROACH "J. Scott Long's approach is one that I highly commend. There is a decided emphasis on the application and interpretation of the specific statistical techniques. Long works from the pre
The Workflow of Data Analysis Using Stata, by J. Scott Long, is an essential productivity tool for data analysts. Long presents lessons gained from his experience and demonstrates how to design and im
A statistical method that will appeal to two groups in particular - those who are currently using the more traditional technique of exploratory factor analysis and those who are interested in the anal
Regression Models for Categorical Dependent Variables Using Stata, Third Edition shows how to use Stata to fit and interpret regression models for categorical data. The third edition is a complete rew
Although regression models for categorical dependent variables are common, few texts explain how to interpret such models. Regression Models for Categorical Dependent Variables Using Stata, Second Edi
Long (sociology, Indiana U.) and his collaborators report on the findings of a committee formed by the National Research Council to study gender differences in the career outcomes of science and engin