This book introduces a series of problems and methods insufficiently discussed in the field of Fractional Calculus – a major, emerging tool relevant to all areas of scientific inquiry. The authors pre
In the last two decades, fractional (or non integer) differentiation has played a very important role in various fields such as mechanics, electricity, chemistry, biology, economics, control theory an
Engineering practice often has to deal with complex systems of multiple variable and multiple parameter models almost always with strong non-linear coupling. The conventional analytical techniques-ba
Nonlinear Systems and Methods For Mechanical, Electrical and Biosystems presents topics observed at the 3rd Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity(NSC), focusing on energy transfer and synchro
Fractional Dynamics and Control provides a comprehensive overview of recent advances in the areas of nonlinear dynamics, vibration and control with analytical, numerical, and experimental results. Thi
This book collects chapters dealing with some of the theoretical aspects needed to properly discuss the dynamics of complex engineering systems. The book illustrates advanced theoretical development a
This book presents a collection of exercises on dynamical systems, modelling and control for university students in the areas of engineering, applied, mathematics, biomathematics and physics. It inclu
Discontinuity in Nonlinear Physical Systems explores recent developments in experimental research in this broad field, organized in four distinct sections. Part I introduces the reader to the fraction