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For courses in Introductory Circuit Analysis or Circuit Theory. Challenge students to develop the insights of a practicing engineer The fundamental goals of the best-selling Electric Circuit
This loose-leaf, three-hole punched version of the textbook gives you the flexibility to take only what you need to class and add your own notes–all at an affordable price. Note: You are purc
本書係依 James W. Nilsson 與 Susan A. Riedel 所著之 Electric Circuits,9th ed,且經原著作者 Nilsson 審定、核可後編譯而成。本「精簡本」保留「Nilsson 電路學第九版」中之最基礎及最精華部份,諸如歐姆定律、克希荷夫電壓及克希荷電流定律、分壓及分流器電路、惠斯登電橋、節點分析及網目分析、電源互換、Δ?Y 互換、戴維寧定律及諾頓定律