These vivid Taiwanese folktales, some passed down from the authors grandmother, bring alive the mythology of a place and a people. For native speakers a journey through this book offers a deeper sense
一棵生長在森林深處的小樹,嚮往外面的世界,可是他要怎麼才能走出去呢,他想到了一個歪歪的好辦法…If you were a tree and you wanted to travel around the world, what would you do? For this Little Tree, growing up is not the only choice. Sometimes, it i
Miss Pronunciation(可譯為發音小姐或發音錯誤二種意思)就是花音小姐,她活潑可愛,但是常常花(發)錯音,一個不一樣的發音,就能帶你走上不同的旅程。當她說It’s a sick book,你會想原來書也會生病啊,那有沒有書醫生呢,可是原來她想說的是 A thick book ,還有當她說Let’s Pray,你會以為要開始祈禱,但其實她是說Let’s Play…,跟著花音小姐的旅程就