Through a thorough exploration of British government records, this book explores the UK's nuclear, biological and chemical weapons programmes and attempts to control them between 1956 and 1975. It add
In 1962 Dean Acheson famously described Britain as having lost an Empire but not yet found a role. Perhaps nowhere is this more apparent than in the realms of nuclear weapons. An increasingly marginal
Restaurant owners will continue to turn to The Restaurant because it helps them gain the skills needed to master every challenge and succeed in this highly competitive and rewarding industry. Each ch
"Restaurant owners will continue to turn to The Restaurant because it helps them gain the skills needed to master every challenge and succeed in this highly competitive and rewarding industry. Each ch
The Restaurant: From Concept to Operation takes the reader from the initial idea to the grand opening. It features comprehensive, applications-based coverage of all aspects of developing, opening, and
■ 本書優點特色新版特色:Exploring the Hospitality Industry, Third Edition, features:●Updated trends to reflect current directions of the industry.●Updated facts and figures include corporate financial data, sour
NOTE: Before purchasing, check with your instructor to ensure youselect the correct ISBN. Several versions of Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products exist for each title, and registrations are not t
After the end of World War II, General George Patton declared that artillery had won the war. Yet howitzers did not achieve victory on their own. Crucial to the success of these big guns were forward
Prepare students to succeed in hospitality management.Capturing the breadth of the world’s largest and fastest growing business,Introduction to Hospitality Management, 5/e, gives an in-depth overview
對於餐飲業者而言, 擁有一家成功的餐廳是一個美夢。它提供顧客一個完美的經驗,而他們兢兢業業的工作,無非是希望能在極佳的工作環境獲得資歷證照並且盡可能創造令人滿意的邊際效益。當然,成功的餐廳並不是垂手可得的,它需要專業知識、正確的規劃設計和令人滿意的服務品質。「餐飲管理:理論與實務」 (The Restaurant: From Concept to Operation, Fifth Edition)
Binders provide all the instructional material from the Instructor's Manual, plus color transparencies, all in a convenient three-ring binder. G-W Binders have handles and Velcro closures to make them
"Restaurant owners will continue to turn to The Restaurant because it helps them gain the skills needed to master every challenge and succeed in this highly competitive and rewarding industry. Each ch
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