"I loved "A Reason to Teach. "It challenged me to think about how to infuse democratic principals into the intellectually charged reading and writing workshops that thrive in our best schools. Every t
以民主為依歸的學校、教室建立模式,已受到許多教育專家的肯定。James A. Beane 與 Michael W. Apple 將美國七位最具有創意的民主教育家集結在一起,透過學校裡發生的真實故事,詳盡地記錄他們是如何將民主教育的想法具體實現。這些致力於民主教育的教育工作者,在受限的情境中,成功地找到新的可能性,說明了如何檢視批判教育與民主教育,達到持續改革的目的。《民主學校》迄今已被譯為多國語言
Nine education professionals from Wisconsin, Illinois, New York, and Massachusetts contribute seven chapters examining how educators can make a lasting difference by combining authentic, important les
This compilation of 32 readings presents an overview of the critical pedagogy of middle school education. The editors (both: educational policy studies and research, DePaul U.) juxtapose traditional p