Although many modern philosophers of law describe custom as merely a minor source of law, formal law is actually only one source of the legal customs that govern us. Many laws grow out of custom, and
In this first book-length study of positive law, James Bernard Murphy rewrites central chapters in the history of jurisprudence by uncovering a fundamental continuity among four great legal philosophe
This volume collects some of the best recent writings on St. Thomas?s philosophy of law. It includes a critical examination of Aquinas?s theory of the relation between law and morality, his natural la
What is truly at stake in politics? Nothing less than how we should live, as individuals and as communities. This book goes beyond the surface headlines, the fake news and the hysteria to explore the
This volume collects some of the best recent writings on St. Thomasa€?s philosophy of law and includes a critical examination of Aquinasa€?s theory of the relation between law and morality, his natura
St. Augustine and Roman law are the two bridges from Athens and Jerusalem to the world of modern law. Augustine's almost eerily modern political realism was based upon his deep appreciation of human e