David Flusser/ R. Steven Notley/ James H. Charlesworth (INT)
Douglas Marvin Gropp/ Monica Brady/ James Charlesworth/ Peter Flint/ Haggai Misgav/ Stephen Pfann/ Eileen Schuller/ Eibert J. C. Tigchelaar/ James Vanderkam/ Moshe J. Bernstein
Elizabeth W. Mburu/ James H. Charlesworth (EDT)
Etienne Nodet/ J. Edward Crowley (TRN)/ James H. Charlesworth (FRW)/ Olivier-Thomas Venard (INT)
All their lives, the children of George Benjamin Hill have fought to escape the shadow of their father, a dust-bowl orphan, self-made millionaire in bedrock American capitalism (fast food and oil), an
James H. Charlesworth begins from a burgeoning point of scholarly consensus: More and more scholars are coming to recognize that the Fourth Gospel is more historically complex than previously thought.
The contributors to this volume examine the book of Isaiah and its role in Jewish and Christian texts and history. The focus is initially on the question of whether or not there is an unperceived cont
Expansions of the "Old Testament" and legends, wisdom and philosophical literature, prayers, psalms and odes, and fragments of lost Judeo-Hellenistic works.
In a perplexing passage from the Gospel of John, Jesus is likened to the most reviled creature in Christian symbology: the snake. Attempting to understand how the Fourth Evangelist could have made su
The writers of the Bible depended on other sources for much of their work. Some of these sources may be lost forever, but many have recently come to light. Known as the pseudepigrapha, they are made a
Jews and most Christians know about only 150 "Psalms of David"; they were collected in the Davidic Psalter of the (Masoretic) Hebrew Bible or Old Testament. Since about 200 BCE, the Greek translation
Charlesworth (New Testament language and literature, Princeton Theological Seminary) presents this accessible introduction to, and translation of, the Odes of Solomon. The Odes provide fascinating ins
The recovery of 800 documents in the eleven caves on the northwest shores of the Dead Sea is one of the most sensational archeological discoveries in the Holy Land to date. These three volumes, the ve
"In opposition to the popularistic simplifications of the many would-be scholarly books now on the market, this volume is a brilliant example of the best of international scholarship on Jesus and the
Resurrection is the central feature of the New Testament gospels and lies at the center of many of Paul's letters as well. In addition, the doctrine of the resurrection lies at the core of the Christi
The Temple Scroll is the longest manuscript found in the Qumran Caves and perhaps the most important halakhic composition known from the Second Temple Period. The scroll presents itself as a rewritten
Recent years have seen an explosion of talk about the historical Jesus from scholarly settings as well as media outlets (including sensational TV documentaries and national magazines). How is the stud
Most experts who seek to understand the historical Jesus focus only on the Synoptic Gospels (Mark, Matthew, Luke). However, this volume comes to an important consensus: the gospel of John preserves tr
James H. Charlesworth begins from a burgeoning point of scholarly consensus: More and more scholars are coming to recognize that the Fourth Gospel is more historically complex than previously thought.
From the Finding of the Dead Sea Scrolls to the latest on the gnostic writings, the Nag Hammadi codices, new information is unearthed practically every day to help us understand the lifestyles and be