Jane Holcombe/ Charles Holcombe
Michael Charles Tobias/ Jane Gray Morrison
Michael P. Charles,Sarah Collins,Jane Gaastra,Tina Greenfield,Edward M. Luby,Wendy Matthews,J. Nicholas Postgate,Caroline S. Steele,David C. Thomas;Postgate, J. Nicholas
Bachnik, Jane M.,Quinn, Charles J.
Charles (Chartered Institute of Horticulture Adams UK),Jane (Royal Horticultural Society Brook UK),David (Royal Horticultural Society Francis UK),Mike (former lecturer at Oaklands College Early St. Al
Charles Adams/ Mike Early/ Jane Brook/ Katherine Bamford
Charles Taylor/ Dilip Parameshwar Gaonkar (EDT)/ Jane Kramer (EDT)/ Benjamin Lee (EDT)
Jane Clarke/ Charles Fuge (ILT)
Jane Weierbach Ph.D./ Elizabeth Phillips-Hershey Ph.D./ Charles Beyl (ILT)
Keith Rayner、Alexander Pollatsek、Jane Ashby and Charles Clifton
Michael Charles Tobias/ Jane Gray Morrison/ Bill Gladstone (EDT)
Charles De Lint/ Stephen King/ Jane Yolen/ Paolo Bacigalupi/ Harlan Ellison
Charles Dickens/ Frederick Busch (INT)/ Jane Smiley (AFT)
Charles Musser (EDT)/ Jane Marie Gaines (EDT)/ Pearl Bowser (EDT)
Charles Wesley (COP)/ Dan Damon (CON)/ Amanda Husberg (CON)/ Jane Marshall (CON)/ Mark Miller (CON)
Dean Roberts (EDT)/ Tony Parkinson/ Alan Jenkins/ Jane Arredondo/ Annabel Charles
E. Charles Nelson (EDT)/ David J. Elliott (EDT)/ Jane O. Waring (FRW)
H. Jane Brockmann (EDT)/ Charles T. Snowdon (EDT)/ Timothy J. Roper (EDT)/ Marc Naguib (EDT)/ John C. Mitani (EDT)
Jane Austen/ Jessica Hische (ILT)/ Charlotte Bronte/ Willa Cather/ Charles Dickens