Many different people, from social scientists to government agencies to business professionals, depend on the results of multivariate models to inform their decisions. Researchers use these advanced
Many different people, from social scientists to government agencies to business professionals, depend on the results of multivariate models to inform their decisions. Researchers use these advanced
Writing about multivariate analysis is a surprisingly common task. Researchers use these advanced statistical techniques to examine relationships among multiple variables, such as exercise, diet, and
Writing about multivariate analysis is a surprisingly common task. Researchers use these advanced statistical techniques to examine relationships among multiple variables, such as exercise, diet, and
People who work well with numbers are often stymied by how to write about them. Those who don't often work with numbers have an even tougher time trying to put them into words. For instance, scientist
People who work well with numbers are often stymied by how to write about them. Those who don't often work with numbers have an even tougher time trying to put them into words. For instance, scientist
Earning praise from scientists, journalists, faculty, and students, The Chicago Guide to Writing about Numbers has helped thousands of writers communicate data clearly and effectively. Its publication
Earning praise from scientists, journalists, faculty, and students, The Chicago Guide to Writing about Numbershas helped thousands of writers communicate data clearly and effectively. Its publication
It has been nearly 50 years since the publication of the original Plan and Bibliography (1954) by Hans Kurath (Plan) and his colleagues Margaret S. Ogden, Charles E. Palmer, and Richard L. McKelvey (B
Suffering brought into the workplace or created by it is not just a private matter: it's an unrecognized, costly drain on organizational potential. Scholars and consultants Worline and Dutton reveal t
Suffering brought into the workplace or created by it is not just a private matter: it's an unrecognized, costly drain on organizational potential. Scholars and consultants Worline and Dutton reveal t
Filling a gap in the literature currently available on the topic, this edited collection is the first examination of the interplay between urbanization, language variation and language change in fifte