兒童聽力障礙臨床治療教育資源的權威「兒童聽力學:診斷、技術和處遇」第三版已全面更新,涵蓋此領域最新進展的前瞻主題。新的章節包括兒童的聽力和前庭問題,測試新生兒的最新方法以及人工電子耳技術的長期性研究。著名的專家Jane R. Madell、Carol Flexer和後起之秀Jace Wolfe和Erin C. Schafer對兒童聽力學的各個面向提供了細部的討論-從基礎病理學和測試到醫學、治療和手
The definitive educational resource on the clinical management of hearing disorders in childrenPediatric Audiology: Diagnosis, Technology, and Management, Third Edition is fully updated with cutting e
Leverages real-life cases to foster in-depth understanding of pediatric audiologyPediatric Audiology Casebook, Second Edition is fully updated with more than 60 new cases presented in four sections, c