Marcia L. London/ Patricia W. Ladewig/ Michele Davidson/ Jane W. Ball/ Ruth C. Bindler
Andrew Lynch (EDT)/ Jane W. Davidson (EDT)/ Susan Broomhall (EDT)
Davidson, Jane W.,Halliwell, Michael,Rocke, Stephanie
Davidson, Prof. Jane W. (University of Western Australia, Australia),Damousi, Joy (Australian Catholic University, Australia)
Edited by Jane W Davidson, Michael Halliwell and Stephanie Rocke
Gary E. McPherson/ Jane W. Davidson/ Robert Faulkner/ David Hargreaves (FRW)
Irene Deliege (EDT)/ Jane W. Davidson (EDT)
Jane W. Davidson (EDT)/ Sandra Garrido (EDT)
Jane W. Davidson,Mary C. Broughton
Ruth C. Bindler/ Jane W. Ball/ Marcia L. London/ Michele W. Davidson/ Ruth C Bindler