Presenting reflections on the historical perspectives and philosophical foundations of human rights, this book provides a detailed analysis of civil and political rights, as well as the rights of pers
Presenting reflections on the historical perspectives and philosophical foundations of human rights, this book provides a detailed analysis of civil and political rights, as well as the rights of pers
自從〈聯合國憲章〉(the United Nations Charter)以及〈國際人權宣言〉(the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)在一九四五年和一九四八年通過之後,在這近半世紀中,一套包羅萬象且含括許多國際機制(international instruments)的國際人權法被創造了出來。本書的主要目標是對人權概念架構的分析和呈現,以及被國際接納且