Jaroslav Ha?ek is a Czech writer most famous for his wickedly funny, widely read yet incomplete novel The Good Soldier Schweik, a series of absurdist vignettes about a recalcitrant WWI soldier. Ha?ek—
Set in the Central Europe of old, this anti-war novel features a simple soldier whose determination to survive brings into question the powerful social and political institutions he confronts. A portr
Since Hasek's comic masterpiece was first produced in 1920s Pargue, there have been countless attempts to stage this sprawling story of the seeming idiot, Svejk, who survives the horros of the First W
Jaroslav Hašek is a Czech writer most famous for his wickedly funny, widely read yet incomplete novelThe Good Soldier Schweik, a series of absurdist vignettes about a recalcitrant WWI soldier. Hašek—i
In The Good Soldier Svejk, celebrated Czech writer and anarchist Jaroslav Hasek combined dazzling wordplay and piercing satire in a hilariously subversive depiction of the futility of war. Good-natu
Hailed as “one of the greatest works of 20th century literature” (Boston Globe) and frequently compared to Catch-22, Jaroslav Hasek’s comic masterpiece follows a WWI soldier’s