MCSA/MCSE 70-293 Exam Cram, Second Edition is the perfect study guide if you need help passing the 70-293 exam. Among exam objectives, you must learn to use remote desktop for administration, manage I
Many are familiar with the beauty and ubiquity of fractal forms within nature. Unlike the study of smooth forms such as spheres, fractal geometry describes more familiar shapes and patterns, such as t
A main selection of the Military Book Club and a selection of the History Book Club.With his parting words "I shall return," General Douglas MacArthur sealed the fate of the last American fo
There has been an explosion of interest in entrepreneurs in the popular media, as well as in business, policy, and education. But what do entrepreneurs do? What is entrepreneurship and why is it impor
Law has played a central role in American history. From colonial times to the present, law has not just reflected the changing society in which legal decisions have been made-it has played a powerful