Since Queen Olympia's fateful fall into the river, newlyweds Christian and Marigold have been living happily ever after. And they had every intention of keeping it that way--until they find out that O
Princess Poppy, the bouncing baby daughter of Queen Marigold and King Christian of Zandelphia-Beaurivage, is in terrible danger. The kingdom’s former torturer-in-chief and poisoner-in-chief have joine
A companion to Once Upon a Marigold and Twice Upon a Marigold finds a ragtag band of rescuers striving to save the infant Princess Poppy from a nefarious kidnapping plot devised by two vengeful exiles
A poignant novel partially set in a world of silenceHigh school senior Theo is fluent in two languages: spoken English and sign. His parents and brother, Jeremy, are deaf, but Theo can hear, which has
Since Queen Olympia's fateful fall into the river, newlyweds Christian and Marigold have been living happily ever after. And they have every intention of keeping it that way--until they find out that
Once upon a Marigold, happily-ever-after turned upside down, inside out, and completely over the top! Join Christian and Marigold through their own kind of happily-ever-after in this trilogy of tales
Grubstake is a grubby down-on-its-luck mining town filled with grubby down-on-their-luck miners. So when a decidedly nongrubby city slicker shows up and offers to buy the tapped-out mines, the miners
Inspired by the author's work in a girls' rehabilitation center. Ray called it skating when we did the crazy things . . . Hot-wiring a fancy car for a joyride after midnight. Boosting stuff from store
Sandy Huntington-Ackerman's life becomes increasingly complicated when his bungling, moneygrubbing uncles try to shanghai the family fortune by poisoning a birthday cake. Luckily, those conniving uncl
Christian was clueless when he started spying on the royal family through his telescope. He lives in a cave with a troll for a dad, after all. If his dad had only warned him about all that mind-boggli
America’s Musical Landscape is a comprehensive and accessible text that addresses music in the United States from pre-colonial Native American music to today’s avant-garde compositions and mainstream
Reluctantly working at her father's tavern which is frequented by loutish sailors, early 1800s teen Rosie finds herself without a family or livelihood after a brawl ends her father's life and she is t
In 1839, visitors from miles around come to Kentucky to tour Mammoth Cave. But sixteen-year-old Charlotte, the maid at Mammoth Cave Hotel, doesn't understand its appeal. As a slave, she is already tra
Emphasizing music in the context of the society that surrounds it, a music appreciation text weaves the development of Western music into the fabric of cultural history, paying special attention to th