Hoodoo, voodoo, and conjure are part of a mysterious world of magic that has long captured the popular imagination. This book is a convenient introduction to the subject for students and general read
From black sorcerers' client-based practices in the antebellum South to the postmodern revival of hoodoo and its tandem spiritual supply stores, the supernatural has long been a key component of the A
A longtime student favorite, Anderson/Moyer/Chichirau's bestselling PUBLIC POLICYMAKING explains public policy fundamentals by emphasizing the process behind the creation of legislation. As you examine each individual step of the policymaking process -- from policy formation and budgeting to implementation and impact -- you will gain a thorough understanding of how different factors influence public policy creation. In addition, each chapter features at least one case study that illustrates how general ideas are applied to specific policy issues.Reflecting the latest research and developments from the field, the new Ninth Edition provides current coverage of the 2020 election, the COVID-19 pandemic and more. The text is packed with examples and its student-friendly format helps you easily see how chapter concepts relate to your everyday life.