Buy 15 copies and save 15% with the Literacy Teacher's Playbook, K-2 book study bundle! "Instead of glancing quickly and drawing a single conclusion, we can lean in and look with the same spirit of cu
Serravallo, a literacy consultant, speaker, and author, leads third through sixth grade literacy teachers through a four-step assessment process that focuses on meeting the needs of students and plann
"Goals help guide my thinking about reader's skills within each level of text complexity, and a leveling system helps my understanding of readers' development from level to level." -Jennifer Serravall
With hit books that support strategic reading through conferring, small groups, and assessment, Jen Serravallo gets emails almost daily asking, "Isn't there a book of the strategies themselve
Special pre-publication price! Buy before February 15, 2017 and save! (The price you see on this page includes the prepublication discount. The school/web price will rise to $38.00 on February 16, 201
Get The Reading Strategies Book 2.0 and Companion Charts for one great price! The anchor charts, tools, and other visuals from The Reading Strategies Book 2.0 are now available in a tabletop flip chart to save you preparation (and drawing) time! In the companion charts flip chart, you'll find the enlarged versions of every chart corresponding to the 300+ strategies in an easy-to-use trifold stand. Ready to use at your table for small groups or conferring, or you can slide a chart under a document camera and project it on SMART Board(TM) when teaching a whole-class lesson. The Companion Charts are invaluable for educators of all experience levels. A complement to The Reading Strategies Book 2.0, the interactive and enlarged charts are perfect for small-group, conferring, or whole-class lessons.The Reading Strategies Book 2.0 Companion Charts includes 300+ enlarged charts from The Reading Strategies Book 2.0 in full colorFull-color laminated dividers for each chapter that make it easy to
For teachers who sometimes feel as if data-based instruction, differentiated groupings, and formative assessments somehow involve going over to The Dark Side, this book is a powerful antidote. It will
Why are reading conferences so important? What do effective reading conferences look and sound like? How do I fit reading conferences into my literacy block? "Conferring," writes Jennifer Serravallo,