"Just when you thought recovery couldn't get any harder, life on life's terms happens, and sometimes that means someone perpetrating violence on you or your home."These words from the introduction of
'Today I choose the light.' Jennifer Storm's first memoir, Blackout Girl: Growing Up and Drying Out in America, tells the haunting story of her downward spiral into addiction that began when she was r
"Where the hell am I? How did I get here?"Beginning at the age of 12, Jennifer Storm asked herself these questions many times after waking from alcohol-induced blackouts. During her teens and e
Deadly Loyalties is set in an urban lieu that is rife with young gangs who recruit their members as fresh as they can get them. Blaise, a 14-year-old girl and the narrator of Deadly Loyalties, is in t
Looking for a little mischief after finding an old flare gun, Ron and Ben find themselves in trouble when the local gas bar on Agamiing Reserve goes up in flames, and they are wrongly accused of arson