"Jerel Lawtransports readers to a place where supernatural forces of good and evilcollide. Young readers will be entertained and inspired . . . I heartilyrecommend it." -Robert Whitlow, bestselling au
Faced with unparalleled grief, will Jonah return to Elohim?Parents are looking for fiction that makes Christianity exciting for their kids. This series is the first Christian answer to Percy Jackson,
Join part angel Jonah Stone as he faces his biggest challenge yet!Many months have passed since part angel siblings Jonah, Eliza, and Jeremiah Stone began their angelic training. As part angels, or qu
“In hisexciting debut novel, Jerel Law transports readers to a place wheresupernatural forces of good and evil collide. Young readers will be entertainedand inspired by Spirit Fighter. Iheartily recom
When the powers of the Evil One threaten to destroy eighth-grader Jonah and the other humans who are one-quarter angel, Jonah is led by a series of visions to find the one person who is meant to call
As Jonah Stone and the other half-angels prepare for mid-term exams, their powers are tested once again in the fiercest battle against Abaddon's forces yet.
Having left Angel School and moved back to his home town to start high school as a "normal" person, Jonah sees the Fallen attacking his friends without their knowledge and must decide whether to conti