The infancy narratives represent some of the most beautiful and intriguing passages in the Gospels. The stories they relate are also arguably the most well-known in the Christian tradition, from the c
The book of Sirach praises the study of the law, the wisdom of the men of old and their prophecies. Its author is well-read and rearticulates traditional Jewish wisdom for his generation, centering it
Pouring through the breach in convention that Raymond Brown opened with The Birth of the Messiah (2d. ed. 1993), theologians and biblical scholars explore the Christmas stories in fresh light, both fo
Although our human emotions greatly influence our lives, there have been few studies of emotions in biblical texts. Hence the 2010 meeting of the International Society for the Study of Deuterocanonica
Old Testament texts frequently offer a theological view of history. This is very evident in the Books of Chronicles and in the final section of Ben Sira (Ecclesiasticus). Today there is renewed intere
This volume offers 17 essays on the apocryphal/deuterocanonical books of Ben Sira (Ecclesiasticus) and Tobit. Four essays explore Tobit's connections with Genesis (Irene Nowell), Job (Anathea Portier-