Explores the world of ditches - prepare to be surprised!Explains how ditches in the UK are faring in the 21st centuryReveals the steps being taken to ensure their survival, and the plants, reptiles an
A practical and comprehensive everything-you-need-to-know guide to chicken breeds for anyone who keeps or is aspiring to keep chickens. This guide includes essential practical information on feeding,
A wonderful collection of shooting excuses, gaffes, and blunders on the shooting field, illustrating the experiences and exhortations of those who have committed minor faux pas and misdemeanors.
This book shows the reader how to perform all the tasks required of the modern gamekeeper, including how to rear and release game, and advises on many aspects of habitat improvement and conservation.
To those faced with running a shoot, the difficulties are very substantial and they require imaginative solutions. This comprehensive guide contains many of the answers and is essential reading for al
With wide appeal to anyone involved in shooting, this fascinating, fun and informative book covers the reality and myths connected to shooting and the shooting day.
Downshifting has become synonymous with selling up, starting a smallholding, and escaping the rat race. Some people are lucky enough to purchase a property large enough to ensure that the whole family
A collection of time-honored recipes for delicious preserved foods along with 21st-century variations Chutneys, pickles, and relishes can bring life and richness to any meal, and ever-imaginative new
An?invaluable reference for all game cooks,?with mouthwatering recipes both for the woodpigeon and the domesticated pigeon?Traditional British rural recipes for pigeon?are presented?here?along with in
This entertaining, clearly written and well-illustrated book is essential reading for all those who want to keep ducks and geese but who only have a small amount of space at their disposal.There are m
An extensive and fascinating history of the sporting lodge that also identifies and details buildings that are still in use todayDetails how sportsmen and their families traveled and includes a reenac